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Cissokho, Solo

LC control no.n 2009056738
Personal name headingCissokho, Solo
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See alsoEllika & Solo
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Found inFRoots. No. 19 [SR] p2002: container (Ellika & Solo)
Ellika & Solo, viewed Sept. 8, 2009 (Ellika & Solo; Solo Cissokho, kora, is a griot, that is a musician-come-storyteller. He was born in Ziguinchor in Senegal; Ellika Frisell, fiddle, viola, is a folk musician, born in Stockholm who plays Swedish folk music in the Bingsjö- and Orsa traditions; Solo and Ellika first met on the stage of a club in Stockholm in 1998)
MIC Norway, Sep. 8, 2009 (Solo Cissokho - global kora master; Cissokho belongs to the Mandinka-people and hails from Ziguichor in the Casamance district, Senegal; after living in France and the UK, Cissokho now resides in Norway)
From Senegal to Setesdal [SR] p1997: container (Solo Cissokho, vocals, kora; musician from Senegal, resident in Norway)
Invalid LCCNno2002098779