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Haselier, Günther, 1914-1991

LC control no.n 2009066068
Personal name headingHaselier, Günther, 1914-1991
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Haselier, Guenther, 1914-1991
Found inHaselier, Günther. The Jewish community of Breisach and its destruction, 1994: t.p. (Guenther Haselier)
LC database, Oct. 15, 2009: (hdg.: Haselier, Günther, 1914- )
Salpeterer im Hotzenwald online, Oct. 15, 2009: (entry for Günther Haselier: b. Apr. 19, 1914 in Freiburg; d. Oct. 9, 1991 in Karlsruhe)