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Angleberger, Tom

LC control no.n 2009070160
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3601.N55445
PZ7.7.A57 Juvenile graphic novels, English
Personal name headingAngleberger, Tom
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See alsoRiddleburger, Sam
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AffiliationCollege of William and Mary
Profession or occupationAuthors Illustrators
Found inAngleberger, Tom. The strange case of Origami Yoda, 2010: ecip t.p. (Tom Angleberger)
Phone call to pub., Nov. 2, 2009 (The strange case of Origami Yoda will be pub. under author's real name, Tom Angleberger, not pseud. Sam Riddleburger)
Origami Yoda web site, August 28, 2018: (Tom Angleberger, author and illustrator)
Wikipedia web site, August 28, 2018: (Tom Angleberger is an American children's writer ; Angleberger and wife Cece Bell met at the College of William & Mary, where they both majored in art.)
Associated languageeng