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Gartner, Johannes, 1940-

LC control no.n 2009081978
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGartner, Johannes, 1940-
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Variant(s)Gartner, Johannes, Dr. phil.
Associated placeSeckau (Austria) Seitenstetten (Austria)
Birth date19400525
Place of birthVienna (Austria)
Benediktinerstift Seitenstetten
Abtei Seckau (Seckau, Austria)
Profession or occupationMonks
Found inQuellen und Texte zur Benediktusregel, 2007: title page (Johannes Gartner) jacket flap (Johannes Gartner OSB, Dr. phil., Abt von Kloster Seckau (OĢˆsterreich))
Biographia Benedictina, dictionary of Benedictine biography online, viewed December 2, 2013 (Johannes Gartner; seventh abbot of Seckau, 2000-2010; born May 25, 1940, in Vienna; retired as abbot of Seckau at age 70 and returned to his home monastery of Seitenstetten)
Associated languageger