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Śōbhanbābu, 1937-2008

LC control no.n 2009214693
Personal name headingŚōbhanbābu, 1937-2008
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Variant(s)Shobhan Babu, 1937-2008
Śōbhanācalapatirāvu, Uppu, 1937-2008
Sobhana Chalapathi Rao, Uppu, 1937-2008
Found inRāghavēndra, Ākeḷḷa. Śōbhanbābu jīvita caritra, 2009: t.p. (Śōbhanbābu) t.p. verso (Shobhan Babu) p. 9 (b. Jan. 14, 1937; d. Mar. 20, 2008; full name Uppu Śōbhanācalapatirāvu; Telugu motion picture actor)
Sobhanbabu WWW site, viewed Aug. 27, 2009 (Sobhan Babu; original name is Uppu Sobhana Chalapathi Rao)