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Simmons, Sid, 1946-2010

LC control no.n 2010061790
Personal name headingSimmons, Sid, 1946-2010
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Simmons, James, 1946-2010
Special notePreviously on undifferentiated name authority record n 93029672
Found inVisitors (Musical group). In my youth, p1973: container (Sid Simmons, piano)
Billy Pierce Quartet. William the conqueror [SR] c1985: container (James "Sid" Simmons, piano)
U.S. Copyright Office files, Sept. 20, 2010 (James "Sid" Simmons; James Simmons, 1946-)
JazzTimes WWW site, Nov. 15, 2010 (James "Sid" Simmons; d. Nov. 5, 2010, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania [Philadelphia], aged 63; Philadelphia jazz pianist)
German Wikipedia WWW site, Nov. 15, 2010 (under Sid Simmons: James "Sid" Simmons; b. Nov. 27, 1946, Philadelphia; d. there Nov. 5, 2010; jazz pianist and composer)