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Grabowski, Krzysztof, 1965-

LC control no.n 2013043287
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrabowski, Krzysztof, 1965-
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Variant(s)Grabowski, Grabaż, 1965-
Birth date19650313
Place of birthPiła, Poland
Field of activityPoetry
Rock music
Profession or occupationLyricists
Found inWork cat.: Jabłoński, Artur. Z Schulza czy Almodovara?, 2012: t.p. (kultura i historia w tekstach Krzysztofa "Grabaża" Grabowskiego), July 16, 2013 (Krzysztof "Grabaż" Grabowski (born March 13, 1965 in Piła) -- Polish poet, singer, author of lyrics and music for songs by bands Pidżama Porno, Strachy Na Lachy, Ręce Do Góry and Lavina Cox)
Associated languagepol