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Job, Dieter Michael, 1948-

LC control no.n 2013065150
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJob, Dieter Michael, 1948-
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Variant(s)Job, Michael, 1948-
Birth date19480104
Place of birthGöttingen (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität Göttingen Universität Marburg
Profession or occupationLinguist
Found inKrause, Wolfgang. Schriften zur Runologie und Indogermanistik, 2014: ECIP title page (Michael Job) data view (email:
LC data base, November 1, 2013 (heading: Job, Dieter Michael.; usage: Dieter Michael Job)
German wikipedia, November 1, 2013 (Michael Job; Dieter Michael Job; born 4 January 1948 in Göttingen; deutscher Indogermanist; 1991 wechselte er an die Universität Marburg, 1999 an die Universität Göttingen)