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Westerhus, Stian

LC control no.n 2013070026
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWesterhus, Stian
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See alsoCorporate body: Jaga Jazzist (Musical group)
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Corporate body: Puma (Musical group)
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Corporate body: Pale Horses (Musical group)
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Birth date1979-04-02
Place of birthSteinkjer (Norway)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationMusicians Composers Guitarists
Found inAll music at once [SR] p2010: container (Stian Westerhus)
Westerhus, Stian. Maelstrom, 2014: container (Stian Westerhus & Pale Horses)
Wikipedia via WWW, 18 January 2017: (Stian Westerhus, born 2 April 1979 near Steinkjer, Norway, is a Norwegian guitarist known for his experimental style, exposed in the bands Jaga Jazzist, Puma, and Pale Horses.)