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Lossberg, Fritz von, 1868-1942

LC control no.n 2017040025
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLossberg, Fritz von, 1868-1942
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lossberg, Friedrich Karl von, 1868-1942
Von Lossberg, Fritz, 1868-1942
Birth date18680530
Death date19420604
Found inLossberg's war, 2017: ECIP data view (General Fritz von Lossberg (1868-1942); directed virtually all the major German defensive battles on the Western Front during the First World War) galley (Friedrich "Fritz" Karl von Lossberg; known in the German Army of World War I as "der Abwehrlöwe", "the Lion of the Defensive")
Wikipedia, July 7, 2017: "Fritz" von Lossberg page (Friedrich Karl "Fritz" von Lossberg (30 April 1868 - 4 May 1942) was a German colonel, and later general, of World War I)