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Hanck, Henriette, 1807-1846

LC control no.n 2021036159
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHanck, Henriette, 1807-1846
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryDenmark
Birth date1807
Death date1846
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inBrevveksling med Henriette Hanck, 1946 i.e. 1941-1946: title page (Henriette Hanck)
LC manual files: (hdg.: Hanck, Henriette, 1807-1846)
VIAF, accessed July 1, 2021: 33084552 (hdg.: Hanck, Henriette 1807-1846. Danish author)