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Monin, A. S. (Andreĭ Sergeevich), 1921-2007

LC control no.n 50003777
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMonin, A. S. (Andreĭ Sergeevich), 1921-2007
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Variant(s)Монин, А. С. (Андрей Сергеевич), 1921-2007
Monin, Andreĭ Sergeevich
Monin, Andrej S., 1921-2007
Monin, Andreĭ Sergeevich, 1921-2007
Birth date1921-07-02
Death date2007-09-22
Place of birthMoscow (Russia)
Place of deathMoscow (Russia)
Field of activityHydrodynamics
Profession or occupationGeophysicists Oceanographers
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inStatisticheskai︠a︡ gidromekhanika, 1965-
Populi︠a︡rnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ Zemli, 1980: t.p. (A. S. Monin) verso t.p. (Monin, Andreĭ Sergeevich)
Variability of the oceans, c1977: t.p. (Andrej S. Monin)
Podvodnye geologicheskie issledovanii︠a︡ s obitaemykh apparatov, 1985: t.p. (chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR A.S. Monin)
ru.Wikipedia, Nov. 18, 2022: Монин, Андрей Сергеевич (b. July 2, 1921, Moscow; d. Sept. 22, 2007, Moscow; geophysicist, oceanographer, specialist in hydrodynamics)
Associated languagerus