LC control no. | n 50004687 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Schmölders, Günter, 1903-1991 |
Variant(s) | Schmölders, Franz Hermann Günter, 1903-1991 Schmölders. G. (Günter), 1903-1991 Schmölders, Günther, 1903-1991 |
Birth date | 1903-09-29 |
Death date | 1991-11-07 |
Place of birth | Berlin (Germany) |
Place of death | Munich (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Economists College teachers |
Found in | His Prohibition im Norden ... 1926. Kirsch, G. Akademische Gedenkfeier der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln für Prof. Dr. Dres.h.c. Günter Schmölders (1903-1991), 1992: cover (Gedenkrede auf Günther Schmölders (1903-1991)) Währungspolitik in der europäischen Integration, 1964: t.p. (G. Schmölders) Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 31, 2019 (alias: Gunter Schmolders; sex or gender: male; LCAuth identifier: n50004687; VIAF identifier: 108466333, 316408358; GND identifier: 118609351; place of birth: Berlin; place of death: Munich; country of citizenship: Germany; instance of: human; member of political party: Nazi Party; CANTIC: a10980593; date of birth: +1903-09-29T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1991-11-07T00:00:00Z; award received: Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art, doctor honoris causa of the University of Innsbruck, Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany; occupation: economist, university teacher; given name: Günter; member of: Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 069004455; Munzinger IBA: 00000005673; academic degree: doctorate; languages spoken or published: German; PM20 folder ID (P4293): pe/015730; NDL identifier: 00455657; BIBSYS identifier: 8032159; BAV (Vatican Library) identifier: ADV12010877, ADV12195167, ADV12195168; NUKAT authorities: n2010101494; LNB identifier: 000103186; employer: University of Cologne, University of Wrocław; ISNI (P213): 0000000109313757; FAST-ID: 1174; CONOR identifier: 37942371; SUDOC authorities: 028649362; BnF identifier: 120441297; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 375991; NKC identifier: ola2003186285; NLA identifier: 35481468; NLI (Israel) identifier: 000118162; CiNii author identifier: DA00687061; People Australia identifier: 968725; description/label: deutscher Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Duits econoom , eacnamaí Gearmánach, economist german, economista alemán, economista alemany, économiste allemand, ekonomist gjerman, German economist, professor académico alemão, Saksamaa majandusteadlane, tysk professor, כלכלן גרמני) <> |