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McGinniss, Joe

LC control no.n 50007807
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMcGinniss, Joe
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Variant(s)McGinniss, Joseph
LocatedPelham (Mass.)
Birth date1942-12-09
Death date2014-03-10
Place of birthManhattan (New York, N.Y.)
Place of deathWorcester (Mass.)
Profession or occupationAuthors Journalists
Found inHis The selling of the President, 1968, 1969.
LCCN 99-388771: McGinnis, J. Alaska, the last frontier, p1980: (usage: Joe McGinnis)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1942; newspaper writer)
New York times (online), viewed Mar. 11, 2014 (Joe McGinniss; d. Monday [Mar. 10, 2014], aged 71; author who reported on political campaigns and murder cases in the books The selling of the president and Fatal vision); Mar. 12, 2014 (b. Joseph McGinniss, Dec. 9, 1942, Manhattan; d. in Worcester, Mass.; lived in Pelham, Mass.)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNno 00060690