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Thompson, Hunter S

LC control no.n 50008356
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3570.H62
Personal name headingThompson, Hunter S.
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Variant(s)Duke, Raoul
Tompson, Khanter
תומפסון, האנטר ס.
Biography/History notefree-lance writer
Birth date19390718
Death date20050220
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inCarroll, E.J. Hunter, c1993: CIP t.p. (Hunter) p.
Random House dict. of the Eng. lang., 2nd ed., 1988 (under def. for gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson, b. 1939)
The proud highway, c1997: CIP t.p. (Hunter S. Thompson) pub. info. (political journalist; his reporting and essays appear in numerous publications, including Rolling stone, where he has long been the National Affairs Desk; resides in Colorado)
Romovyĭ dnevnik, 2002: t.p. (Khanter Tompson)
Fear and loathing, c2004: t.p. (Hunter S. Thompson) p. 3 (Hunter Stockton Thompson; b. July 18, 1939)
Washington Post, Feb. 21, 2005, on line (Hunter S. Thompson; b. Louisville; d. Feb. 20, 2005, near Aspen, age 67; writer)
CNN WWW site, Feb. 24, 2005 (Hunter S. Thompson, 67, journalist and author, d. Feb. 20, 2005, Woody Creek, Colo.; b. Hunter Stockton Thompson, July 18, 1937, Louisville, Ky.)