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Pilbeam, David R

LC control no.n 50009860
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPilbeam, David R.
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeCambridge (Mass.)
Birth date1940
Field of activityAnthropology
AffiliationHarvard University Yale University
Profession or occupationAnthropologists University and college faculty members
Found inHis The evolution of man, 1970.
Information from 678 converted Dec. 17, 2014 (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University)
Chimpanzees and human evolution, 2017: title page (David R. Pilbeam) page 826 (David R. Pilbeam, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University)
At the foot of the Himalayas, 2024: ECIP title page (David Pilbeam) data view (born 1940)
Associated languageeng