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Thürer, Georg, 1908-2000

LC control no.n 50011895
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThürer, Georg, 1908-2000
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Variant(s)Thürer, Georg, 1908-
Thürer-Tobler, Georg, 1908-2000
Tobler, Georg Thürer-, 1908-2000
Birth date1908-07-26
Death date2000-09-26
Place of birthTamins (Switzerland)
Place of deathTeufen (Switzerland)
Profession or occupationAuthors College teachers Literary historians
Found inGuggenbühl, A. Schwyzer meie, 1938.
DDB Web OPAC, Mar. 1, 2006 (Thürer, Georg, 1908-, Schweiz. Professor für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur sowie Schweizer Geschichte; Namen: Thürer-Tobler, Georg)
Wikipedia, viewed June 18, 2020 (Georg Thürer; born 26 July 1908 in Tamins; died 26 September 2000 in Teufen; Swiss author, college teacher and literary historian)