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Farrer, Reginald, 1880-1920

LC control no.n 50011938
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFarrer, Reginald, 1880-1920
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Variant(s)Farrer, Reginald John, 1880-1920
Birth date1880-09-17
Death date1920-10-17
Place of birthClapham, Bedford, England
Place of deathChina
AffiliationBalliol College (University of Oxford)
Profession or occupationTraveller Plant collector Civil servant
Found inHis In old Ceylon, 1908.
OCLC, 7 January 2013 (usage: Reginald Farrer)
Wikipedia, 7 January 2013 (Reginald Farrer; Reginald John Farrer; born 1880, Clapham, North Yorkshire, England; died 17 October 1920 in China; traveller and plant collector)
Who was who, 1916-1928, 1929 (Farrer, Reginald; clerk in the foreign office; born 17 Feb. 1880; Balliol College, Oxford; travelled yearly for botanical exploration 1903 to his death; died 16 Oct. 1920)
Associated languageeng