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Scherer, Jacques

LC control no.n 50016066
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingScherer, Jacques
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Associated countryFrance
Birth date19240212
Death date19970604
Found inBeaumarchais, P.A.C. de. Beaumarchais, 1945.
Dramaturgies, langages dramatiques, 1986: t.p. (Jacques Scherer) p. 19 (b. 1912)
Bn-Opale plus, Oct. 15, 2007 (auth. hdg.: Scherer, Jacques, 1912-1997; b. Feb. 12, 1924; d. June 4, 1997; agrégé de lettres, docteur es-lettres; taught at Univ. Paris III-Sorbonne)