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Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939

LC control no.n 50017361
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3537.A78
Personal name headingSapir, Edward, 1884-1939
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Birth date1884-01-26
Death date1939-02-04
Place of birthLębork (Poland)
Place of deathNew Haven (Conn.)
Profession or occupationAnthropologists Linguists Poets
Found inHis Wishram texts, 1909.
Left-Handed, son of Old Man Hat, 2018: ECIP t.p. (Edward Sapir) data view (forward by Edward Sapir, Prussian-American anthropologist-linguist, who is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in the early development of the discipline of linguistics; born Jan. 26, 1884, Lębork, Poland, died Feb. 4, 1939, New Haven, CT)
Wikipedia, 24 April 2018: Edward Sapir (Edward Sapir, American anthropologist and linguist; born Jan. 26, 1884 in Lauenburg, Prussia [now Lębork, Poland], died Feb. 4, 1939 in New Haven, CT)
Associated languageeng