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Williams, Robin M., Jr., 1914-2006

LC control no.n 50018981
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilliams, Robin M., Jr., 1914-2006
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Variant(s)Williams, Robin Murphy, 1914-2006
Williams, Robin M. (Robin Murphy), 1914-2006
Williams, R. M., Jr., 1914-2006
Birth date1914-10-11
Death date2006-06-03
Place of birthHillsborough, N.C.
Place of deathIrvine, Calif.
Field of activitySocial sciences
AffiliationCornell University American Sociological Association
Profession or occupationSociologists College teachers
Found inHis The reduction on intergroup tensions, 1947.
A Common destiny, 1989: t.p. (Robin M. Williams, Jr.) p. 583 (Henry Scarborough professor of social science emeritus, Cornell University)
New York times WWW site, June 12, 2006 (in obituary published June 10: Robin M. Williams, Jr.; b. Robin Murphy Williams, Oct. 11, 1914, Hillsborough, N.C.; d. June 3, Irvine, Calif., aged 91; noted sociologist and a former president of the American Sociological Association who offered insights into racism and the behavior of men in war)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1914)
Mutual accommodation, 1977: title page (Robin M. Williams, Jr.)
OCLC, June 3, 2013: (hdgs.: Williams, Robin M.; Williams, Robin Murphy; Williams, Robin Murphy, 1914-; usages: Robin M. Williams, Jr.; Robin M. Williams, Robin Murphy Williams, R.M. Williams, Jr.)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 88202308