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Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960

LC control no.n 50020012
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3515.A4345
ML423.H24 Biography
PZ8.3.H1865 Stories in rhyme, English
Personal name headingHammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960
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Variant(s)Hammerstein, Oscar, 2nd, 1895-1960
Hammerstein, Oscar, 1895-1960
Birth date1895-07-12
Death date1960-08-23
Place of birthNew York (N.Y.)
Place of deathDoylestown (Pa.)
Field of activityMusicals
Profession or occupationLibrettists Lyricists Producers and directors Author, American Publishers
Found inGypsy Jim, c1924.
New Grove dict. of Amer. mus. (Hammerstein, Oscar (Greeley Clendenning), II; b. July 12, 1895, New York, d. Aug. 23, 1960, Doylestown, PA; librettist, lyricist, producer, musical comedy author and publisher; grandson of the impresario Oscar Hammerstein I), via WWW, 30 August 2010 (Birthplace: New York, New York; musical-comedy author; first success was Wildflower, 1923; he died shortly after the opening of the Sound of Music on Broadway, 1960. After his death, The Sound of Music was made into the hit 1965 film adaption.)
OCLC, 30 January 2013 (usage: Oscar Hammerstein II; Oscar Hammerstein 2nd; Oscar Hammerstein; substantial majority of usages include II or 2nd)
Wikipedia, 30 January 2013 (Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II (July 12, 1895-August 23, 1960) was an American librettist, theatrical producer, and (usually uncredited) theatre director of musicals)