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Ruscha, Edward

LC control no.n 50022260
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRuscha, Edward
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Variant(s)Ruscha, Ed
Ruscha, Edward, 1937-
See alsoFounded corporate body: Hamilton Press
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Birth date1937-12-16
Profession or occupationArtists Photographers
Found inHis Various small fires and milk, 1964
Cohen, S.A. Beyond hell, 1992: t.p. (Ed Ruscha)
Grove art online, Apr. 7, 2011 (Ruscha, Ed(ward Joseph); b. Dec. 16, 1937, Omaha, NE; American painter and photographer)
Info. converted from 678, 20120924 (b. 1937)
Lithographs, 2005: pages 2-5 (Ed Hamilton and Ed Ruscha co-founded Hamilton Press in 1990)
Associated languageeng