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Simon, W. M. (Walter Michael), 1922-1971

LC control no.n 50023678
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSimon, W. M. (Walter Michael), 1922-1971
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Variant(s)Simon, Walter, 1922-1971
Simon, Walter Michael, 1922-1971
Biography/History noteDr.
Associated countryGermany England United States
Associated placeIthaca (N.Y.) Keele (England)
Birth date1922-05-29
Death date1971-06-03
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
AffiliationUniversity of Keele. Department of History
Cornell University. Department of History
Profession or occupationHistorians
eng ger
Found inThe failure of the Prussian reform movement, 1807-1819, 1955: title page (Walter M. Simon, Department of History, Cornell University)
European positivism in the nineteenth century, 1963: title page (W.M. Simon, Cornell University)
Germany: a brief history, 1966: title page (W.M. Simon)
Germany in the age of Bismarck, 1968: title page (W.M. Simon, University of Keele, Professor and Head of the Department of History)
French liberalism 1789-1848, 1972: title page (edited by Walter Simon, University of Keele, Staffordshire, England)
The Palgrave dictionary of Anglo-Jewish history, 2011: pages 919-920 (Simon, Walter Michael, historian and academic; born May 29, 1922, in Berlin; died June 3, 1971; arrived in England as a refugee in the mid-1930's; went to the United States and received his B.A. from Wesleyan University in Connecticut; served in the U.S. Army during World War II; received his Ph. D. from Yale University in 1949; taught at Cornell University beginning in 1953; from 1965, he was professor of history at Keele University, Staffordshire, England. Author of Germany: a brief history; author of Germany in the age of Bismarck; his monograph French liberalism 1789-1848 was published posthumously in 1972)
University of Keele, Department of History website, viewed October 2, 2018 (in Past and Present History Staff listing: Walter Simon; was Head of the Department from 1965 until his death in 1971)