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Dienes, Zoltan P. (Zoltan Paul)

LC control no.n 50025508
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDienes, Zoltan P. (Zoltan Paul)
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Variant(s)Dienes, Z. P. (Zoltan Paul)
Dienes, Zoltan
Dienes, Zoltan Paul
Special noteIncludes the old catalog headings: Dienes, Zoltan Paul, Dienes, Z.P.
Found inHis Concept formation and personality, 1959.
LCCN 61-2338: His Building up mathematics, 1961, c1960 (hdg.: Dienes, Zoltan Paul)
LC data base, 4-23-84 (hdg.: Dienes, Zoltan Paul, Dienes, Z. P.; usage: Z.P. Dienes, Zoltan Dienes, Zoltan P. Dienes)
His Proposte per un rinnovamento dell'insegnamento della matematica a livello elementare, c1984: t.p. (Zoltan P. Dienes) p. 162 (b. 9/11/16, Budapest)
Information from 678 converted Dec. 8, 2014 (B.A., Ph.D.)