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Salisachs, Mercedes

LC control no.n 50026208
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ6635.A34
Personal name headingSalisachs, Mercedes
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ecín, María
Birth date1916
Death date2014-05-08
Place of birthBarcelona (Spain)
Place of deathBarcelona (Spain)
Field of activitySpanish fiction
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inHer Primera mañana, última mañana, 1955.
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1916)
El país WWW site, May 14, 2014 (in obituary dated 9 May 2014: Mercedes Salisachs; b. 1916, Barcelona; d. there Thursday [May 8, 2014] at age 97; wrote around 40 novels and books of short stories; lists titles in Spanish)
Associated languagespa