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Jackson, Tom, 1932-

LC control no.nb2011032496
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJackson, Tom, 1932-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Jackson, Thomas, 1932-
Birth date1932
Found inThe perfect CV, 1991
British Library auth. file, 13 Dec. 2011 (hdg.: Jackson, Tom, 1932-; info from author letter)
His The hidden job market, 1975.
His Guerrilla tactics in the new job market, 1991: t.p. (Tom Jackson) t.p. verso (Thomas Jackson)
Not just another job, 1992: back cover (author of books on career development & job search; lives in New York City & Woodstock, N.Y.)
VIAF, viewed Aug. 9, 2017 (authorized access point: Jackson, Tom; Jackson, Tom, 1932-)
Invalid LCCNn 50027953