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Campbell, Enid, 1932-2010

LC control no.n 50030928
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCampbell, Enid, 1932-2010
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Variant(s)Campbell, Enid Mona, 1932-2010
Campbell, Enid Mona, 1932-
Birth date1932-10-30
Death date2010-01-20
Place of birthLaunceston (Tas.)
Place of deathMelbourne (Vic.)
Field of activityConstitutional law Administrative law
AffiliationMonash University
Profession or occupationLaw teachers Lawyers
Found inAuthor's John Austin and jurisprudence ... 1959.
Well and truly tried, 1982: t.p. (Enid Campbell)
The Australian Women's Registry website, viewed Dec. 19, 2020: (Enid Mona Campbell, OBE, AC LLB (Hons), Bec, PhD, Hon. LLD; Prof. Enid Campbell; Sir Isaac Isaacs Professor of Law at Monash University, 1967-1997; leading Australian scholar in constitutional law and administrative law; lawyer; born, Oct. 30, 1932, Launceston, Tasmania; died Jan. 20, 2010, Melbourne)