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Davis, Thomas, 1814-1845

LC control no.n 50035632
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDavis, Thomas, 1814-1845
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Variant(s)Davis, Thomas Osborne, 1814-1845
Associated countryIreland
Associated placeDublin (Ireland)
Birth date1814-10-14
Death date1845-09-16
Place of birthMallow (Ireland)
Field of activityJournalism Law
AffiliationYoung Ireland Party Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Profession or occupationPoets Composers Authors
Found inCurran, J.P. The speeches of ... J. P. Curran ... 1847: t.p. (by Thomas Davis)
His Thomas Davis, selections from his prose and poetry, 1982: CIP t.p. (Thomas Davis)
A soul came into Ireland, 1995 : p. 2 (Thomas Osborne Davis, b. 14 October 1814 in Mallow, County Cork, Ireland) p. 334 (d. 16 September 1845)
Wikipedia, Feb. 12, 2013 : Thomas Davis (Young Irelander) (Thomas Osborne Davis (14 October 1814-16 September 1845) was a revolutionary Irish writer who was the chief organiser and poet of the Young Ireland movement. ; graduated Trinity College, Dublin in Law and received an Arts degree in 1836, precursory to his being called to the Irish Bar in 1838 ; established The Nation newspaper ; wrote some stirring nationalistic ballads)
National bib agency no.1030F8037E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc