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Karlin, Samuel, 1924-2007

LC control no.n 50046910
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKarlin, Samuel, 1924-2007
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Variant(s)Karlin, Samuel, 1923-2007
Karlin, Sam, 1924-2007
LocatedChicago (Ill.)2naf
Birth date1924-06-08
Death date2007-12-18
Place of birthPoland
Place of deathPalo Alto (Calif.)
Field of activityMathematics
Profession or occupationMathematicians
Found inHis Reduction of certain classes of games to integral equations, c1951.
Mathematical evolutionary theory, c1988: CIP dedication (Samuel Karlin; Sam Karlin)
New York times WWW site, Feb. 21, 2008 (Samuel Karlin; b. June 8, 1924, Poland; moved with his family to Chicago at the age of 2 months; d. Dec. 18 [2007], Palo Alto, Calif., aged 83; mathematician who applied his theoretical brilliance to such far-flung areas as economics and population studies, before helping to find ways to analyze DNA swiftly and comprehensively)