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Lloyd, P. J. (Peter John)

LC control no.n 50050619
Personal name headingLloyd, P. J. (Peter John)
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Variant(s)Lloyd, Peter J.
Lloyd, Peter J. (Peter John)
Lloyd, Peter, 1937-
Found inHis The economic development of the tourist industry in New Zealand, 1964.
Mineral eco. in Aus., 1984: t.p. (P.J. Lloyd) Aus. CIP data (Lloyd, Peter John) jkt. (prof. of eco., Univ. of Melbourne)
International trade opening and the formation ... 1999: CIP t.p. (Peter J. Lloyd) data sheet (b. 6-20-37)
Reshaping Australia's economy, 2001: CIP t.p. (Peter Lloyd) datasheet (b. 06-20-37)
Essays in honour of Peter Lloyd, c2005: CIP t.p. (Peter Lloyd)
Invalid LCCNn 2001087219