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Sant'Anna, Affonso Romano de

LC control no.n 50058391
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ9698.29.A49
Personal name headingSant'Anna, Affonso Romano de
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Variant(s)Santana, Afonso Romano de
Romano de Sant'Anna, Affonso
De Sant'Anna, Affonso Romano
Associated countryBrazil
Birth date1937
Profession or occupationPoets
Found inHis O desemprêgo do poeta, 1962.
Violão de rua, 1962: t.p. (Affonso Romano de Sant' Anna; Brazilian poet)
LC/NAF, May 9, 2007 (information from 678 field b. 1937)
Associated languagepor
Invalid LCCNno2005112480