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Marighella, Carlos

LC control no.n 50067223
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMarighella, Carlos
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Marighela, Carlos
Marinkela, Karlos
Mārīgilā, Kārlus
Birth date1911-12-05
Death date1969-11-04
Place of birthSalvador (Brazil)
Place of deathSão Paulo (Brazil)
Found inPor que resisti à prisão, 1965.
Gia tēn apeleutherōsē tēs Vrazilias, 1973: t.p. (Karlos Marinkela)
Wikipedia, July 25, 2017 (Carlos Marighella; Marxist Brazilian writer, politician, guerrilla fighter and terrorist; b. Dec. 5, 1911 in Salvador; d. Nov. 4, 1969; theorist on urban guerrilla warfare; after a series of successful robberies and kidnappings, he was shot and killed by police in São Paulo)
Juzvah-i rāhnamā-yi jang-i chirīkī-i shahrī, 1970: title page (کارلس مارىگلا = Kārlus Mārīgilā)
Associated languagepor