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Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)

LC control no.n 50074748
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingMetropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
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Variant(s)Met (New York, N.Y.)
Metropolitan Opera Association (New York, N.Y.)
Metropolitan Opera Company (New York, N.Y.)
New York (City). Metropolitan Opera
Teatro metropolitan di New York
LocatedNew York (N.Y.)
Found inKolodin, I. The Metropolitan Opera, 1883-1935 ... 1936.
Tucker, R. Tucker at the Met [SR] p1981.
Verdi, G. Carlo Bergonzi canta Verdi [SR] p1981: container (Teatro metropolitan di New York)
Grove Music online, Jan. 13, 2025 (Metropolitan Opera Company; opera company based in New York, N.Y.; founded 1883)
Invalid LCCNn 81136817