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Gibbons, John H., 1929-2015

LC control no.n 78009517
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGibbons, John H., 1929-2015
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Birth date1929-01-15
Death date2015-07-18
Place of birthHarrisonburg (Va.)
Place of deathCrozet (Va.)
Field of activityScience and state--United States Technology and state--United States
AffiliationUnited States. Office of Science and Technology Policy
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Profession or occupationPhysicists Science consultants Government consultants
Found inU.S. energy through the year 2000 ... [SR] p1977 (a.e.) label (John H. Gibbons)
His Energy, the conservation revolution, c1981: t.p. (John H. Gibbons) CIP data sheet (b. 1929)
New York times WWW site, viewed Aug. 3, 2015 (in obituary published Aug. 2: John H. Gibbons; b. John Howard Gibbons, Jan. 15, 1929, Harrisonburg, Va.; d. July 18, Crozet, Va., aged 86; physicist who argued for more efficient cars, a ban on nuclear tests, and global cooperation in space while serving as a longtime science adviser to Congress and President Bill Clinton)
Associated languageeng