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Ranglin, Ernest

LC control no.n 78033259
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRanglin, Ernest
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Variant(s)Ernest, 1932-
Ranglin, Ernie
See alsoCorporate body: Drumbago All Stars
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Associated countryJamaica
Birth date1932-06-19
Place of birthManchester (Jamaica)
Field of activitySka (Music)
Profession or occupationGuitarists Composers
Found inRanglypso [SR] p1976 (a.e.) label (Ernest Ranglin, guitar)
Alexander, M. Yard movement [SR] p1996: container (Ernest Ranglin, guitar) insert (b. 1932, Manchester, Jamaica)
Version dread, 2006: container (Ernest & the Sound Dimension)
Discogs WWW site, September 25, 2019 (Ernest Ranglin; born June 19, 1932 in Manchester, Jamaica; guitarist who helped give birth to the ska phenomenon in the 1950s; he performed and recorded with groups: Drumbago All Stars, Duke Ried All Stars, Ernest Ranglin Quartet, Tommy McCook & the Supersonics, among others)