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Dow, Peggy, 1928-

LC control no.n 78057999
Personal name headingDow, Peggy, 1928-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Varnadow, Peggy, 1928-
Helmerich, Peggy V. (Peggy Varnadow), 1928-
Biography/History notePeggy Dow (b. 1928) is an American library activist and philanthropist in Oklahoma. She worked as an actress between 1949 and 1951.
LocatedTulsa, Okla.
Birth date1928-03-18
Place of birthColumbia, Miss.
Profession or occupationActivist
Found inThe Senator was ... [SR] 1977: (Peggy Dow, actress, name spoken)
Halliwell's filmgoer's comp., 1993 (Dow, Peggy; b. 1928; AKA Peggy Varnadow)
IMDB, Jan. 6, 2011 (Peggy Dow; Peggy Josephine Varnadow; b. Mar. 18, 1928 in Columbia, Miss.; married Walter Helmerich in 1951 and moved to Tulsa, Okla.)
Wikipedia, Jan. 6, 2011 (Peggy V. Helmerich; Peggy Dow; former actress, library activist, philanthropist in Tulsa, Okla.)
Associated languageeng