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United States. War Powers Resolution

LC control no.n 78062856
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingUnited States. War Powers Resolution
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Variant(s)United States. Laws, statutes, etc. Public law 93-148
United States. Public law 93-148
United States. Laws, statutes, etc. War powers resolution
United States. War Powers Act of 1973
United States. Joint Resolution concerning the war powers of Congress and the President
Form of workStatutes and codes
Beginning date1973-11-07
Place of originWashington (D.C.)
Found inHolt, P. M. The war powers ... 1978 (a.e.) p. 43 (Public law 93-148, 93rd Cong., H. J. Res. 542, Nov. 7, 1973; short title: this joint resolution may be cited as the "War powers resolution.")
The war powers act and national security, 1975: abstract (War Powers Act of 1973)
Sullivan, John H. The War Powers Resolution, 1982?: page 287 (War Powers Resolution of 1973; Public Law 93-148; 93rd Congress, H.J.Res. 542; November 7, 1973; Joint Resolution concerning the war powers of Congress and the President; may be cited as "War Powers Resolution")
Associated languageeng