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Berenbaum, Michael, 1945-

LC control no.n 78089709
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBerenbaum, Michael, 1945-
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Birth date1945-07-31
Found inThe vision of ... 1979: t.p. (Michael Berenbaum) CIP data sheet (b. 1945)
The Holocaust and history, 1998: CIP t.p. (Michael Berenbaum) data sheet (b. July 31, 1945) galley (president & CEO of Shoah Visual History Foundation)
The bombing of Auschwitz, 1999: CIP t.p. (Michael Berenbaum) pub. info. (he is also prof. of theology at the Univ. of Judaism; from 1988 to 1993 he was project dir. of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and from 1993 to 1997, director of its Research Institute)
Building bridges among Abraham's children, 2024: CIP t.p. (Michael Berenbaum) galley (rabbi, theologian, scholar, museum builder, educator, filmmaker; PhD Florida State University; professor of Jewish studies and director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at American Jewish University (AJU))
Associated languageeng