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Mori, Yoshitoshi, 1898-1992

LC control no.n 78091833
Personal name headingMori, Yoshitoshi, 1898-1992
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)森義利, 1898-1992
Associated countryJapan
Birth date1898-10-31
Death date1992-05-29
Field of activityPaper Textile fabrics Music--Japan Stencil work Dyes and dyeing
Profession or occupationTextile designers Artists
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHis Kappazuri ... 1977: t.p. (Mori Yoshitoshi) p. 164, etc. (r; b. 1898)
His Mori Yoshitoshi sakuhinshū, 1993: t.p. (Mori Yoshitoshi) p. 19 (d. 5/29/92)