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Grillandi, Massimo

LC control no.n 78096110
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrillandi, Massimo
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Biography/History noteMassimo Grillandi (1921-1987) was an Italian writer, journalist and poet.
Birth date1921-08-06
Death date1987-01-03
Place of birthForlì, Italy
Place of deathRome, Italy
Profession or occupationAuthors Journalists Poets
Found inLa casa di Faenza, 1967: t.p. (Massimo Grillandi)
Wikipedia, Italian, via WWW, Jul. 31, 2013 (Massimo Grillandi; born Aug. 6, 1921 in Forlì; died Jan. 3, 1987 in Rome; writer, journalist, Italian poet)
Associated languageita