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Harrison, Jim, 1937-2016

LC control no.n 79003355
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3558.A67
Personal name headingHarrison, Jim, 1937-2016
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Variant(s)Harrison, James Thomas, 1937-2016
Harrison, James, 1937-
LocatedReed City (Mich.) Livingston (Mont.)
Birth date1937-12-11
Death date2016-03-26
Place of birthGrayling (Mich.)
Place of deathPatagonia (Ariz.)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inHis Plain song, 1965.
New York times WWW site, viewed Mar. 28, 2016 (in obituary published Mar. 27: Jim Harrison; b. James Thomas Harrison, Dec. 11, 1937, Grayling, Mich.; reared in Reed City; d. Saturday [Mar. 26, 2016], Patagonia, Ariz., aged 78; lived most recently during the summers in the wild countryside near Livingston, Mont., and during the winters in Patagonia; poet, novelist, and essayist; darkly comic master of the novella)
Associated languageeng