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Highwater, Jamake

LC control no.n 79003959
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3558.I373
Personal name headingHighwater, Jamake
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Variant(s)Highwater, Jamake Mamake
See alsoReal identity: Marks, J, 1931-2001
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Birth date1931-02-14
Death date2001-06-03
Found inHis Rock and other four letter words. [Phonodisc] 1968.
His Mick Jagger, the singer, not the song, c1973: t.p. (J Marks) p. 4 of cover (b. Los Angeles, 1942; real name Jamake Mamake Highwater)
His Shadow show, 1986: CIP t.p. (Jamake Highwater) data sheet (b. 2-14-42)
ICT website, 24 Aug. 2023 (Jamake Mamake Highwater; Native American author (who claimed Blackfoot/Cherokee heritage) who was not a Native American at all, but a writer named J Marks (J, Jay or Jack Marks, born Jackie Marks); born Feb. 14, 1931, died June 3, 2001)
Associated languageeng