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Heilbron, J. L

LC control no.n 79006489
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHeilbron, J. L.
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Variant(s)Heilbron, John L.
Birth date1934-03-17
Death date2023-11-05
Place of birthSan Francisco (Calif.)
Field of activityPhysics--History Astronomy--History
AffiliationUniversity of California, Berkeley
Profession or occupationHistorians of science College teachers
Found inHis H. G. J. Moseley ... 1974.
His Planck, 1858-1947, c1987: t.p. (John L. Heilbron)
Information from 678 converted Dec. 16, 2014 (prof. of history; Univ. of Calif., Berkeley)
Wikipedia, viewed December 11, 2023: English John L. Heilbron page (John Lewis Heilbron; born 17 March 1934 in San Francisco; died 5 November 2023; Aemrican historian of science best known for his work in the history of physics and the history of astronomy; prfoessor of history and vice-chancellor (1990-1994) at the University of California, Berkeley)
Associated languageeng