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O'Brian, Patrick, 1914-2000

LC control no.n 79018905
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPR6029.B55
Personal name headingO'Brian, Patrick, 1914-2000
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See alsoReal identity: Russ, Richard Patrick, 1914-2000
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Birth date1914
Death date2000-01-02
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inA book of voyages, 1947.
The letter of Marque, 1990: t.p. (Patrick O'Brian) p. 2 (By the same author: biography: Picasso, Joseph Banks, novels: Testimonies, ... , tales: The last pool, ... , anthology: A book of voyages)
King, D. Patrick O'Brian, 2000: CIP front matter (b. Dec. 12, 1914, Buckinghamshire, England; wrote prior to WW II under his real name Richard Patrick Russ; subsequently adopted the pseudonym Patrick O'Brian)
The Times, Jan. 8, 2000: obituaries (died in Dublin on January 2)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 90643497