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Pratt, Cranford

LC control no.n 79046101
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPratt, Cranford
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Variant(s)Pratt, Cran
Pratt, R. Cranford (Robert Cranford)
Pratt, Robert Cranford
Birth date1926-10-08
Death date2016-09-04
AffiliationMcGill University University of Oxford
Mount Allison University McGill University Makerere University College University of Toronto University College, Dar es Salaam
Royal Society of Canada Order of Canada
Found inHis A new deal in Central Africa, 1960.
The inaugural lectures of the ... c1967: t.p. (R. Cranford Pratt, prof., political sc., Univ. of Toronto; principal, Univ. Coll., Dar-es-Salaam, 1961-5)
Church and state, 1982?: t.p. (Cranford Pratt) p. viii (Cran Pratt) participants p. (Prof. Cranford Pratt; Dept. of Pol. Sci., Univ. of Toronto)
Canada. Governor General. Honours Recipients database, viewed 6 October 2016 (Cranford Pratt, O.C., M.Phil., F.R.S.C.; Toronto, Ontario; Officer of the Order of Canada, awarded on May 13, 2004, invested on June 10, 2005; Cranford Pratt is a powerful advocate for social justice. Head of Tanzania's first university, he played a crucial role in its development and in educating many of that country's future leaders. He has also been an advisor to governments in Africa and at home. Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto and former director of its international studies program, he is called a 'legend', having influenced a generation of international development workers. As well, he worked in countless ways to spearhead Canada's stand against apartheid in South Africa and is passionately committed to alleviating global poverty)
Globe and mail, 4 October 2016, online, viewed 6 October 2016 (Cranford Pratt, a scholar, professor and activist who helped bridge the gap between Canada and Africa, died on Sept. 4 in Toronto from complications owing to pneumonia; Robert Cranford Pratt, born Oct. 8, 1926, in Montreal; during the Second World War, rose to the level of sergeant major in the cadet corps; graduated from McGill University in 1947 with a B.A. in economics and political science; in 1948, he took a teaching position at Mount Allison University; in 1950, awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, earning a master's degree in philosophy from Oxford and returning to Montreal for a position at McGill in 1952; in 1954, applied on a whim for a lectureship at Makerere University College in Kampala, Uganda; acted as an advisor to the British governor of Uganda in guiding the country to self-government; in 1960, took a teaching position at the University of Toronto, where he remained for more than four decades; from 1961 to 1964, was the first principal of the University College of Dar es Salaam in Tanganyika; a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and an officer of the Order of Canada)
Amicus database, 6 October 2016 (authorized access point: Pratt, Cranford, 1926- ; variant access point: Pratt, Robert Cranford)
OCLC database, 6/24/94 (hdg.: Pratt, Robert Cranford; usage: R. Cranford Pratt)
Invalid LCCNno 94021581