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Roman, Petre

LC control no.n 79049850
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRoman, Petre
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Birth date1946-07-22
Place of birthBucharest (Romania)
Profession or occupationEngineers Politicians
Prime ministers
Special noteNot same as Roman, Petre I., who wrote Cultura Coțofeni, 1976.
Found inGheorghe, A. Dosarul energiei nucleare, 1978 (a.e.) t.p. (Petre Roman)
Le devoir de la liberté, 1992: t.p. (Petre Roman) p. 21 (b. 07-22-1946, in Bucharest, Romania)
Orice ar fi, 2012: t.p. (Petre Roman) fron flap (b. July 22, 1946) back flap (author of Introducere în fizica poluării fluidelor and other scientific works, and Le devoir de liberté and other political works)
Wikipedia, viewed September 19, 2024: English Petre Roman page (Petre Roman; born 22 July 1946 in Bucharest; engineer and politician; served as prime minister of Romania, 1989-1991)
Not found inMic dicț. enc., 1972.
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