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Adler, Roy L., 1931-2016

LC control no.n 79051229
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAdler, Roy L., 1931-2016
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date19310222
Death date20160726
Place of birthNewark (N.J.)
Place of deathChappaqua (N.Y.)
Field of activityMathematics
AffiliationThomas J. Watson IBM Research Center
Profession or occupationMathematicians
Found inHis Topol. entr. and equiv. of dyn. systems, 1979: t.p. (Roy L. Adler) pub. info. (Roy Lee Adler; b. 2/22/31)
Wikipedia, May 2, 2019: Roy Adler (mathematician; born in Newark, New Jersey, on February 22, 1931; died in Chappaqua, New York on July 26, 2016; worked at Thomas J. Watson IBM Research Center)