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Valdès, Pierre, active 12th century

LC control no.n 79058421
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingValdès, Pierre, active 12th century
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Variant(s)De Vaux, Pierre, active 12th century
Gualdensis, active 12th century
Petrus Valdo, active 12th century
Pierre, de Vaux, active 12th century
Pierre Valdo, active 12th century
Pierre Waldo, active 12th century
Valdensis, active 12th century
Valdes, active 12th century
Valdes, of Lyons, active 12th century
Valdès, Petrus, active 12th century
Valdès, Pierre, 12th cent.
Valdesio, di Lione, active 12th century
Valdesius, active 12th century
Valdexius, active 12th century
Valdius, active 12th century
Valdo, active 12th century
Valdo, di Lione, active 12th century
Valdo, Petrus, active 12th century
Valdo, Pierre, 12th cent.
Vaudès, active 12th century
Vaux, Pierre de, active 12th century
Waldes, active 12th century
Waldo, Peter, active 12th century
Beginning date11
Found inMartini, M. Pierre Valdo, 1961.
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Valdo, Pierre, 12th cent.; usage: Valdo; Waldes; Pierre Valdo) auth. cd. (variants: Vaudès; Valdius; Valdesius; Valdes; Valdensis; Valdexius; Gualdensis; Waldo, Peter; Pierre de Vaux; Valdo, Petrus)
BN (Valdès, Pierre)
Grand Larousse encycl. (Valdo ou Valdès (Pierre), en lat. Valdesius, dit Pierre de Vaux, hérésiarque français (v. 1140-v. 1217))
New Cath. encycl.: v. 14, p. 770 (Valdes of Lyons; Valdes (Valdesius); founder of Waldensian movement)
Valdo di Lione e i "poveri nello spirito," 2001: t.p.
Valdo, c2010: p. 4 of cover (Valdesio di Lione)
Zwölf Köpfe der Reformation, 2016: t.p. (Valdès) p. 4 of cover (Petrus Valdès, geboren um 1140, gestorben 1217)