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Marinetti, F. T., 1876-1944

LC control no.n 79063253
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ4829.A76 Italian
PQ2625.A78719 French
Personal name headingMarinetti, F. T., 1876-1944
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Variant(s)Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 1876-1944
Marinetti, F. T. (Filippo Tommaso), 1876-1944
Birth date1876-12-22
Death date1944-12-02
Place of birthAlexandria, Egypt
Place of deathBellagio, Italy
Profession or occupationPoet
Found inL'alcòve d'asciaio.
Colloque international F.T. Marinetti. Présence de F.T. Marinetti, c1982: t.p. (F.T. Marinetti)
Wikipedia, Dec. 19, 2012 (Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti; born 22 December 1876 in Alexandria, Egypt; died 2 December 1944 in Bellagio, Italy; Italian poet and editor, the founder of the Futurist movement)
Associated languageita fre